Thursday, August 11, 2011

Top Ten Tips To Lose Belly Fat

Here is a resource of ten great ways to lose belly fat:

1. Eat fat burning foods that help you lose weight just by eating them.

2. Exercise with the tummy cincher, a flat stomach exercise that cinches your stomach like a corset.

3. Eat less sodium, because salt causes water retention that makes you look bloated and puffy, no matter how toned you are or how much you exercise.

4. Wear a belly band or tummy wrap that helps your skin tighten up as you lose weight, or to tighten your skin faster after having a baby.

5. Cut out caffeine…it makes skin look flaccid and takes its toll on your skin and muscle tone over time.

6. Eat more protein- it helps you get a more ripped look to your tummy.

7. Eat more veggies- they are natural diuretics and don't ruin your metabolism or affect your nervous system like caffeine does.
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lose Belly Fat Fast!

The best way to lose belly fat fast is through a combination of a simple flat stomach exercise known as the tummy cincher combined with eating fat burning foods that are negative calorie foods (meaning you eat to lose weight, because these healthy foods require more calories to digest than they contain- so the more you eat, the more weight you lose!).

Our favorite exercise for shrinking your stomach fast is the tummy cincher, which can be found on our favorite beauty blog, Penelope's Oasis. This flat stomach exercise works by tightening the corset muscle around the stomach, making it flatter and smaller and giving you feminine abs and a sexier shape.

Fat burning foods we love that are healthy and taste good include broccoli, celery, lettuce, water chestnut, watermelon, pears, lemon, and cucumbers!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Fat Burning Foods!

We shared 10 amazing fat burning foods with you recently, and now we have five more! These negative calorie foods will change your life!